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Note: If you previously did not accept the Android SDK license agreement by checking "Enable Gradle", you will need to do so by clicking on the “Accept SDK License” button in the Android Project Settings.
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To give all details of Android Programming and basics of it we are here with great tutorials. There is no need to change the NDK API Level; android-19 is correct to allow installing your APK on Android versions prior to Lollipop (Android 5.0); setting this higher will cause your app to require Android 5.0+. Note: If you previously did not accept the Android SDK license agreement by checking "Enable Gradle", you will need to do so by clicking on the “Accept SDK License” button in the Android Project Settings.
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To give all details of Android Programming and basics of it we are here with great tutorials. There is no need to change the NDK API Level; android-19 is correct to allow installing your APK on Android versions prior to Lollipop (Android 5.0); setting this higher will cause your app to require Android 5.0+.